
Hey I’m Anna Hermsdorf – illustrator and printmaker.

A move from the city out to the flat green countryside has rekindled my love for nature and wildlife. Our garden invites to explore, the trips with the bike over field and meadow sharpen the view for the beauty of our latitudes. Our local wildlife need our help and I would like to do my part in educating children with non-fiction books and illustrations, that support the natural enthusiasm for animals.

With lino printing I gave my creative soul personal expression after my product design studies and during my work as an art director. Vibrant color harmonies accentuate the joyful nature of my work. The way to print influenced my digital drawing process, while illustrating on the iPad Pro shaped my style to print:

Reduced to the essentials, angular, flat, colorful, hardly textured, straightforward and child-friendly, no-frills + simple form language.

Short vita

Bachelor of Arts Philosophy & Sociology (2014) // Bachelor of Arts Product Design (2018) // Art Director (until end of 2020) // Self-employed Artist & Illustrator (since end of 2020)

Please send requests for commissioned work or other collaboration to hallo@annahermsdorf.de